Docum is a document management
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Docum is a document management

Interactive tool development for creating and managing internal company documents

Industry: Digital
Category: Web services

The solution for the creating corporate knowledge base and documentation of products

The main emphasis is placed on the reuse of content, for faster creation of new and effective maintenance of existing content:

  • Project templates
  • Webpage templates
  • Reusable text fragments
  • Variables


The interface design is made in a minimalist style so that nothing distracts from the work.

Project page
Project page
Project editing
Project editing
Registration of a new user
Registration of a new user
The adding new project
The adding new project

Access management

Implemented flexible access management:

  • User access to the project, sections and individual pages
  • Access by link
  • Access for reading and writing
  • Access matrix for convenient management of rights of all users

Additional features

Data export

Projects and its individual pages can be exported to convenient formats: PDF, HTML, Markdown, and others.


The project is implemented in the form of a one-page application. Written in TypeScript using the Angular 9 framework.


JS framework: Angular 9
CSS framework: SCSS


JS framework: Express.js
Database: MySQL


New page
New page
Page editing
Page editing
List of projects
List of projects
Modular windows
Modular windows
Access settings
Access settings

Welltot - continuous biosensory

Development of the server part of the mobile application for continuous monitoring of body temperature
Industry: Digital
Category: Web services
Facebook Messenger


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