Website acceleration

6 speed indicators

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A quick website can benefit for your business. However, a slow one is able to ruin everything.

Therefore, website acceleration is essential for any business in order to overtake competitors, befriend with search engines and gain the trust of customers.

Business objectives

Improving the quality of service
Reducing rejection rate
Audience confidence
Search promotion and optimization

6 speed indicators

Scripts and styles
Script and style compression
Lazy loading of resources to avoid blocking mode
Preloading of resources that might be used
Lazy loading of scripts and styles as the need required
Script and dynamic content optimization
Style optimization and image sprite creation
Optimization of font usage and loading
Converting images to a modern format
Different image sizes for different devices
Compressing and lazy loading of images
Embedding resources to reduce server queries
Converting gif to a video format and lazy booting
Configuration of static content caching
Caching configuration on the server
External scripts
Optimization of advertising network scripts (Yandex.Director, Google AdSense)
Optimization of social media and other resource inserts
Optimization for search engines
AMP pages for Google
Turbo pages for Yandex
Server optimization
HTTP2 usage
Optimisation of database queries
Selection of a more productive hosting/server, if required
Co-location closer to customers

Work stages

A website analysis
Sequence scheduling
Accomplishment of objectives
Indicator measurement

Price and timing

In order to determine the cost, it is essential to know two indicators: the platform the website is made on and the scope of the work. Script and style compressing as well as image optimization will be sufficient for most websites. For others, deeper optimization will be needed.

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