
Show online - sell offline

Page head background

A catalogue-site is essential for the companies that want to present their product online, but most business processes are conducted offline.

Detailed information about goods or services with description, photos and articles is placed on such wensites.

Business objectives

Improving company recognition
Improving customer confidence
Increasing customer flow
Advantage over competitors


The sections of such a website are individual and depend on the specific queries of the project. But there definitely will be:

Intuitive navigation
A catalogue of goods or services
Filtering content by parameters
Comparison of goods and services
Keyword searching
Update subscription
The opportunity to be shared on social media
Similar, popular goods, novelties, sales
Adaptation for mobile phones and tablets

A catalogue-website is faster and cheaper than an online shop. A catalogue site is easy to convert to an online shop. This requires:

  • Integration with payment systems;
  • Integration with 1C and CRM;
  • Integration with delivery services;
  • Users' personal profiles with their order history
  • Tools for managing assortment, discounts and coupons;


Fast loading

We execute the 3-second Rule: Pages should not be loaded any longer, otherwise the user will leave the website. We do our best to speed up the website, including compressing scripts, styles and images, customizing caching, selecting the nearest server.

Adaptive layout

We create convenient and beautiful software for all devices: phones, tablets and PC. We test in all popular browsers on different devices.

Basic SEO-optimization

We prepar for SEO-promotion. We will configure meta and opengraph tags, make semantic markup (H1, H2, H3, article, section, etc.) and interlinking, optimize images, perform compression of scripts and styles.


Corporate identity or ready-made template? The right choice is the one which fits for your needs. In any case the website will be beautiful and functional.

Domain selection and registration

We will assist you to buy a domain, SSL-certificate, hosting, choose a tariff plan, set up mail and backup.

Support and maintenance

We provide a guarantee for the work done, we support in the process: we add new functions and improving the existing ones.


We will connect and configure analytics systems like Google Analytics and Yandex.Webmaster.

Communication with customers

We will make available order and feedback forms on the website as well as online chat.

Content filling

We revitalize the website with content adapting the old and creating a new one.

Development stages


Project design

This is the basis of any solution. We define the project objectives. We create the website structure: design interaction and clickable prototype. We compile technical requirements for the development.


Graphic design

This is when it is beautiful and convenient. We choose a ready-made template or develop a unique design-layout as a prototype.



This is a layout and website configuration. We both code and make up a design layout, configure the content management system.


Testing and integration

This is a interaction with CRM, mail services and analytics. We configure and check them up.



This is filling with meanings. We transfer and adapt content from the previous resources, create new ones if necessary.



This is a hosting and domain connection. We transfer the website, perform the final configurations.

Prices and timing

We have identified an approximate price range for your comfort. However, the important thing to remember is that the price of each solution is culculated on the individual basis.

It is suitable for companies that need a presence on the network
It is suitable for companies that need a presence on the network
It is suitable for companies that want to stand out among their competitors
0 $
The price includes a domain in zone, SSL-certificate and a hosting for a year
0 $
The price includes a domain in zone, SSL-certificate and a hosting for a year
from 0 $
The price includes a domain in zone, SSL-certificate and a hosting for a year
Adaptive layout
Domain in zone, SSL, hosting for 1 year
Analytics connection
Subscription, postal mailing
Online chat
Company's email
Admin panel
Users' profiles
Unique design
Development time 2-4 weeks On the individual basis On the individual basis
Support If necessary If necessary If necessary
Facebook Messenger


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We will contact you any time soon to discuss details of your project